Roads in East Wichel

Traffic restrictions on East Wichel Way and a map of East Wichel

The map below, from OpenStreetMap, shows the layout of streets and other features of East Wichel.

Most large housing developments are built in an order that ensures construction traffic is kept away from residential traffic — new residents use different streets from the builders. That was originally the intention for East Wichel, but the economic crisis of 2008 and consequent government loans and subsidies to the builders resulted in the construction order changing. Rather than the social housing being built last it was built first. A result of that is that there was no segregation of traffic, with visitors, residents and builders all sharing the same roads until development finished.

Both ends of East Wichel Way are restricted by ‘bus gates’. This means that only buses and bicycles are allowed to use those parts of East Wichel Way and cameras are used from time to time to enforce that. The only roads that other traffic can use to enter East Wichel are Langdean Road, by the Bayberry pub, and Eyam Road.

The rest of East Wichel Way is also expected to have traffic restrictions eventually. These will prevent anything other than buses or bicycles from travelling more than one block along East Wichel Way.

Although all roads have now received their final surface, the roads have not yet been adopted by Swindon Borough Council. This will only happen once they are satisfied with the condition of the roads and footpaths and means that many roads and paths will need further work on them.

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This page updated Thursday, 31 December 2020. © most rights reserved.